Wide Area Network is also known as Wide Area Network or Wide Area Linkage. It is an extension of the Local Area Network. Wide Network has several advantages and disadvantages compared to the Local Area Networks. Wide Network supports data packets of billions of bits per second (bps), much more than the Local Area Networks (LANs). The speed of Wide Area Network is way beyond the LANs and therefore makes Wide Area Networks the best option for high bandwidth data transfer.
Broadband internet connection is one of the main reasons behind Wide Area Network. It provides a fast internet connection because of its high capacity and faster transmission over long distances. A wide Network is using to transfer a large amount of data at a very high speed and reduced expense on equipment. Various Wide Area Networks are used for communication, internet access, etc.
One Wide Area Network is made up of several local access points or nodes. Each node in a Wide Area Network is connected to the rest of the Wide Area Networks via routers. This process makes Wide Area Networks more efficient and reliable as each node can serve as a gateway to the rest of the Wide Area Networks. In a Wide Network, every point is associated with a specific IP address, thereby providing better security.
Wide Network has several advantages compared to the traditional Local Area Networks. The most important advantage is that Wide Network allows connections to be established without the use of physical wires. This means, instead of using copper wires to connect, the network topology is determined by IP address and so all the computers that are connected via this Topology can get connected. On the other hand, in a LAN there is the requirement for a physical cable connection to all the computers.
Wide Network has several disadvantages as well, one of them being its reliability. A wide area network has been prone to serious problems like central overload due to routing via a router or network topology error caused by duplicate routes. There have also been cases where Wide Area Networks has suffered an outage due to fire or a power outage.
Switching devices between Wide Area Networks and Local Area Networks has also posed a problem. It was difficult to identify between the two and it also required costly and complicated hardware switches. The most common solution to these problems was using IP changing devices such as IP changing devices or IP Switches that allow you to switch from a Wide Network topology to a Local Area Network topology and vice versa. An IP changing device is a device that alters the IP address of a machine to make it appear that it is part of a Wide Area Network even though it is not part of one.